Welcome to my personal page. Currently, I am working as a senior verification engineer at Arteris IP. I develop innovative verification methodologies for highly parametric Network-on-Chips (NoCs).
Previously, I have completed my PhD thesis at Institut Polytechnique de Paris under the supervision of Florian Brandner, Mihail Asavoae, and Lirida Naviner.
I am quite enthusiastic about learning and staying in touch with many different areas. Nevertheless, my main research interest (and expertise) is on using formal methods to design correct-by-construction hardware.
You can download my CV here. You can also visit my Google Scholar page or my Linkedin page.
Best Paper Award (RTNS, 2022).
1st place at the 1st National RISC-V student contest (Paris, France, 2021). Organised by Thales, CNFM, and the GdR SOC2.
CAPES BRAFITEC Excellence Double Degree Fellowship (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2018). Granted by CAPES.
1st place at CoRA, the Autonomous Robot Competition (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2016). Organised by PETEE, School of Enginering, UFMG. Along with two teamates, I’ve designed a high speed line follower robot. Our robot’s performance granted us first place in the competition. You can check out the video from the championship round here. The software running on it is here.
Superscalar Processor Timing Anomalies Detector. A software written in C to detect timing anomalies in super-scalar processor trace executions.
RISC-V National Competition. My changes on the Ariane processor that awarded my first place on the 1st National RISC-V student contest.
Proficiency: C, C++, and the Coq Theorem Prover.
Working level: SystemVerilog/Verilog, Python.
Basic knownledge: Haskell, OCaml, Scala, Java, F*, UPPALL, TLA+, Matlab, HTML, CSS, SQL.
I am passionate about languages. I can currently speak six languages: Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German.